
Northants Golf

Anglian  League Seniors Match v Norfolk

26th June 2023 at Peterborough Milton GC

Our home advantage was cancelled out by Norfolk having a practice day beforehand, in windy conditions which was excellent preparation for the match the following day.

The early morning foursomes were closely fought with Norfolk taking an early lead with the first two matches. Messrs Butler and Jessop secured a point in the next match before the last two matches sharing a point each. This meant a morning lead of 3 to 2 in favour of Norfolk.

The afternoon was played in warm weather with a moderate breeze.

The first two single matches went the way of Norfolk before Brendon Moss and Andy Castell brought us back into play with good wins. Norfolk then took the next match to lead 6-4 overall, so we had it all to do in the last five matches. Northants jumped ahead with good wins from Roger Butler, Greg Thomas (both just returning from great performances at the English Seniors Championships!!) and from Richard Jackson securing Northants with a lead 7-6 going into the final two games. Unfortunately, the last two matches went the way of Norfolk meaning the afternoon single matches were tied at 5-5, giving an overall win of 8 to 7 in favour of Norfolk.

The match was played in great spirit with everyone enjoying the course and the Peterborough Milton hospitality.

Thank you to everyone that played, it was a very close match which could have gone either way.

County Seniors Captain

v Norfolk

Foursomes AM Points Score Points

Ian Wicks

Andy Castell

1up 1

John Baker Odlin

Ian Reid


Ian Hull

Brendon Moss

2&1 1

Simon Butts

Richard Oakes


Roger Butler

Dominic Jessop

1 3&2

Iain Yule

Colin Moody


Richard Jackson

Gary Grimmitt

5&3 1

Adrian Myhill

Mark Williamson


Greg Thomas

Mick Barnett

1 1up

Jim McLeod

Blair Ainslie

Score 2


1 Ian Wicks

4&3 1

John Baker Odlin

2 Ian Hull

1up 1 Simon Butts
3 Brendon Moss
1 3&2
Ian Reid
4 Andy Castell
1 6&5
Blair Ainslie
5 Dominic Jessop

4&2 1 Mark Williamson
6 Roger Butler
1 6&5
Adrian Myhill
7 Greg Thomas
1 2&1
Colin Moody
8 Richard Jackson
1 1up
Richard Oakes
9 Gary Grimmitt

3&1 1 Jim McLeod
10 Mick Barnett

5&4 1 Iain Yule

Score 5

Match Result 7

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