Club Services (England Golf) are an integral part of Northamptonshire Golf, with strategic priorities including:
More players: Increasing the number of players who play golf regularly
More members: Increasing the number of players in club membership
Stronger clubs: Supporting clubs to attract and retain members and to achieve a sustainable business model
External Partners: Working with our partners "Growing the Game"
Club Services offers bespoke support to golf clubs including, but not limited to, the following areas:
Knowing Your Club - Identifying what makes your club stand out and how it can grow
Governance - Working to ensure best practice and assisting long term sustainability
Strategic/Business Planning - Supporting long term strategy and planning for a bright future
Recruitment - Assistance with potential member and player identification
Retention - Developing new practices to assist increasing member satisfaction and loyalty
Safe Golf - Achieving accreditation to ensure the provision of a safe and secure environment for all golfers
Contact with Club Services should, in the first instance, be through David Davis, Northamptonshire Golf Club Services Officer and England Golf Club Support Officer for the Midlands East Region.
Note: For Safeguarding please contact Sally Bingham, Northamptonshire Golf County Welfare Officer.
The Team's contact details are:
Northamptonshire Golf Club Services and England Golf Club Support Officer |
David Davis |
07846 142297 | |
Northamptonshire County Welfare Officer |
Sally Bingham |
07794 146395 | |