60 players have been signed up for this competition as of 5:52 AM Thursday 19th December
Ian Allan (Staverton Park Golf Club) |
Paul Armitage (Peterborough Milton Golf Club) |
Steven Austin (Collingtree Park) |
Graham Bayes (Wellingborough Golf Club) |
R J Bryant (Ramsey Golf Club) |
David Butler (Cold Ashby Golf Club) |
alan codling (Peterborough Milton Golf Club) |
Richard Cole (Peterborough Milton Golf Club) |
James Connor (Overstone Park) |
Steve Crawley (Wellingborough) |
Colin Dare (Crane Valley Golf Club) |
David (D A) Dare (Northampton) |
Chris Dowell (Northamptonshire County Golf Club) |
Geoff Dyson (Peterborough Milton) |
Stephen Fail (Northampton Golf Club) |
Shaun Field (Wellingborough Golf Club) |
Alan FREEMAN (Overstone Park) |
Peter Frost (Mowsbury Golf Club) |
David C George (Northampton Golf Club) |
Mike Gilbrook (Wellingborough) |
Paul Gray (Northamptonshire County) |
R W Grove (Kettering Golf Club) |
John Edward Harris (Kingsthorpe Golf Club) |
Kevin Hawkins (Nene Park Golf Club) |
Colin. S. Heard (Stone Golf Club) |
Keith Heard (Northampton) |
A M Heaume (Mowsbury Golf Club) |
Dougie Hill (Peterborough Milton Golf Club) |
Philip Kenneth Horne (Kingsthorpe) |
Peter Hudson (Kettering Golf Club) |
Tim Johnson (Kingsthorpe) |
Alan Kennedy (Northamptonshire County Golf Club) |
Ian Kerr (Peterborough Milton Golf Club) |
Martin Letts (Kingsthorpe Golf Club) |
Philip Longworth (Cold Ashby Golf Club) |
MR P Mayhew (Kingsthorpe) |
john mcgowan (Wellingborough Golf Club) |
John Brian Norrey (Collingtree Park) |
Stephen Ponting (Northampton Golf Club) |
David Rawson (Elton Furze) |
Mervyn Robertson (Northampton Golf Club) |
Gregory Savage (Northamptonshire County Golf Club) |
alan smith (Nene Park Golf Club) |
Ian Smith (Peterborough Milton) |
Jeremy Smith (Rushden Golf Club) |
Phil Smith (Northamptonshire County Golf Club) |
Ian Stewart (Staverton Park Golf Club) |
Kenneth Stroud (Northamptonshire County) |
Malcolm Summers (Sleaford Golf Club) |
Paul Swain (Whittlebury Park Golf & Country Club) |
R Tacq (Ramsey Golf Club) |
Stephen Townsend (Wellingborough) |
Jim TRICKLEBANK (Overstone Park) |
Kevin Turner (Wellingborough) |
Mike Walters (Peterborough Milton) |
Peter Waters (Peterborough Milton Golf Club) |
Anthony Worthington (Northampton Golf Club) |
Dave Wright (Peterborough Milton) |
Alan Wrigley (Northamptonshire County Golf Club) |
Steve York (Rushden Golf Club) |