76 players have been signed up for this competition as of 8:53 AM Friday 31st January
Robert Aarts (Kettering) |
Cory Abbott (Rushden Golf Club) |
Andrew Alexander (Kettering) |
Ross ARUNDELL (Overstone Park) |
Stuart Bates (Northampton) |
Ian Bell (Northampton) |
Josh Bellamy (Staverton Park) |
Dale Betts (Kingsthorpe) |
Cameron Black (Northampton) |
Ian Blakeley (Overstone Park) |
Daniel Brown (Staverton Park) |
Neil Brown (Staverton Park) |
Russell Brown (Staverton Park) |
Wayne Brown (Staverton Park) |
Darren Buchan (Priors Hall) |
karl byron (Cold Ashby Golf Club) |
Grahame Castle (Whittlebury Park Golf & Country Club) |
Christopher Chapman (Delapre) |
Luke Chard (Staverton Park) |
Robert Charter (Wellingborough) |
Michael Christie (Staverton Park) |
Anton Clarke (Kingsthorpe) |
mick coulson (Delapre) |
Paul Cranswick (Collingtree Park) |
Brett CRAWFORD (Overstone Park) |
Scott Creaney (Staverton Park) |
Spencer Daniels (Cold Ashby Golf Club) |
Danny Davies (Staverton Park) |
Pete Dee (Priors Hall) |
Nathan Dennis (Northamptonshire County) |
Paul Fletcher (Delapre) |
Ryan GENNER (Overstone Park) |
David GODWIN (Overstone Park) |
Oliver GODWIN (Overstone Park) |
Sam Goodson (Northamptonshire County) |
Scott Gordon (Priors Hall) |
Duncan Hamilton (Northamptonshire County) |
Barry Harding (Daventry & District Golf Club) |
Gavin Harding (Priors Hall) |
Edward Hayle (Rugby) |
Lee HITCHCOCK (Overstone Park) |
Joshua HO (Overstone Park) |
Andrew HOPKINSON (Overstone Park) |
Dave Jones (Staverton Park) |
Malcolm Jones (Staverton Park) |
Anthony Lamond (Priors Hall) |
Martin Lary (Staverton Park) |
Andy Lay (Kingsthorpe) |
James LORD (Overstone Park) |
Bill Marks (Staverton Park) |
Joshua Morris (Staverton Park) |
Duncan Munro (Delapre) |
Thomas Nickelson (Northampton) |
James Nunn (Overstone Park) |
William NUNN (Overstone Park) |
Alan Picketts (Delapre) |
kevin purkis (Kingsthorpe) |
Steven Brian Reynolds (Northamptonshire County) |
Russell Sandiford (Northamptonshire County) |
Brian Seal (Delapre) |
Bob Sheeky (Staverton Park) |
Adam Sherlock (Wellingborough) |
Gary Smith (Northamptonshire County) |
Nick Smith (Staverton Park) |
Steve Smith (Northamptonshire County) |
Ryan Adam Statham (Northamptonshire County) |
Gavin Symington (Priors Hall) |
Adam Taylor (Wellingborough) |
Adrian Thompson (Market Harborough) |
Peter Trueman (Staverton Park) |
Anthony Vella (Delapre) |
Jay VIEYRA (Overstone Park) |
Christopher Walton (Staverton Park) |
Ian Wills (Overstone Park) |
Greg Young (Staverton Park) |
Pele Zidane (Delapre) |