
Northants Golf

Entrant List for 2023 NGL Stableford Cup Round 2

76 players have been signed up for this competition as of 4:45 AM Friday 31st January

Robert Aarts (Kettering)
Cory Abbott (Rushden Golf Club)
Andrew Alexander (Kettering)
Ross ARUNDELL (Overstone Park)
Stuart Bates (Northampton)
Ian Bell (Northampton)
Josh Bellamy (Staverton Park)
Dale Betts (Kingsthorpe)
Cameron Black (Northampton)
Ian Blakeley (Overstone Park)
Daniel Brown (Staverton Park)
Neil Brown (Staverton Park)
Russell Brown (Staverton Park)
Wayne Brown (Staverton Park)
Darren Buchan (Priors Hall)
karl byron (Cold Ashby Golf Club)
Grahame Castle (Whittlebury Park Golf & Country Club)
Christopher Chapman (Delapre)
Luke Chard (Staverton Park)
Robert Charter (Wellingborough)
Michael Christie (Staverton Park)
Anton Clarke (Kingsthorpe)
mick coulson (Delapre)
Paul Cranswick (Collingtree Park)
Brett CRAWFORD (Overstone Park)
Scott Creaney (Staverton Park)
Spencer Daniels (Cold Ashby Golf Club)
Danny Davies (Staverton Park)
Pete Dee (Priors Hall)
Nathan Dennis (Northamptonshire County)
Paul Fletcher (Delapre)
Ryan GENNER (Overstone Park)
David GODWIN (Overstone Park)
Oliver GODWIN (Overstone Park)
Sam Goodson (Northamptonshire County)
Scott Gordon (Priors Hall)
Duncan Hamilton (Northamptonshire County)
Barry Harding (Daventry & District Golf Club)
Gavin Harding (Priors Hall)
Edward Hayle (Rugby)
Lee HITCHCOCK (Overstone Park)
Joshua HO (Overstone Park)
Andrew HOPKINSON (Overstone Park)
Dave Jones (Staverton Park)
Malcolm Jones (Staverton Park)
Anthony Lamond (Priors Hall)
Martin Lary (Staverton Park)
Andy Lay (Kingsthorpe)
James LORD (Overstone Park)
Bill Marks (Staverton Park)
Joshua Morris (Staverton Park)
Duncan Munro (Delapre)
Thomas Nickelson (Northampton)
James Nunn (Overstone Park)
William NUNN (Overstone Park)
Alan Picketts (Delapre)
kevin purkis (Kingsthorpe)
Steven Brian Reynolds (Northamptonshire County)
Russell Sandiford (Northamptonshire County)
Brian Seal (Delapre)
Bob Sheeky (Staverton Park)
Adam Sherlock (Wellingborough)
Gary Smith (Northamptonshire County)
Nick Smith (Staverton Park)
Steve Smith (Northamptonshire County)
Ryan Adam Statham (Northamptonshire County)
Gavin Symington (Priors Hall)
Adam Taylor (Wellingborough)
Adrian Thompson (Market Harborough)
Peter Trueman (Staverton Park)
Anthony Vella (Delapre)
Jay VIEYRA (Overstone Park)
Christopher Walton (Staverton Park)
Ian Wills (Overstone Park)
Greg Young (Staverton Park)
Pele Zidane (Delapre)

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