The County Card scheme was amended in 2012 so that all members of golf clubs affiliated to the Northamptonshire Golf Ltd, for whom an affiliation fee has been paid, will receive a County Card. 

The County Card can be down loaded through the igCounty App or requested for a certificate through your golf club. Affiliated golf members should contact their Club Secretary/ Manager to obtain the certificate.  Please do not contact the NGL but your own home golf club.

The card entitles affiliated members to reduced green fees at over 1100 Clubs in 30 Counties across the whole of England.  The Counties involved are listed on the right of this page.  The clubs that subscribe to the scheme can be found by clicking on the appropriate County.

The igCounty (Intelligent Golf) app is not just a way of getting your County Card, it is a tool to help you make the most of your Northamptonshire Golf affiliation.

Within the App you can;

·       Explore the Affiliated Clubs in Northamptonshire
·       Receive Northamptonshire Golf news or notifications
·       Enter County events
·       Check the latest County Championship results
·       Check what your course handicap will be

Follow the instructions below to install the igCounty app onto your device.

Download the app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store

Alternatively, go to the relevant Store and search for igCounty (free download)

Open the App after downloading it on your device

From the list of Counties, select Northamptonshire Golf as your Home County. Then scroll to the bottom of the screen and click 'Save'.

Home Screen

You will then be taken to the Northamptonshire Golf Home Screen.

From this screen you will be able to get the following information;

·        Next Competition

Shows upcoming County competitions which can be entered by clicking on that icon.

·        Results

View recent County Competition results and statisics

·        County News

See the latest news and updates from Northamptonshire Golf

·        Course Handicap Calculator

Enter your Handicap Index and a course's Slope Rating to see your Course Handicap

Register your County Card

You can then register for your free County Card.

·       Click the County Card icon in the bottom right of the screen and then click 'Continue'.

·       Enter your CDH number, Surname and Email address where indicated.

·       Enable notifications to receive email notifications about County events and news from Northamptonshire   Golf.

·       Click 'Activate County Card'. 

Note: If you do not know your CDH number please check with your Club Secretary / Manager.

Your County Card will now be installed in your App and you should see a screen that includes a bar code.


When you tap the 'Clubs' icon at the bottom of the screen, you will find a list of all affiliated Clubs in Northamptonshire. If you have allowed the App to use your location you will also see their distance from you.

You can tap on any Club and you will be given all the relevant contact details you might need to reserve a tee time or a website address to find out more information about the Club